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Blog Content

Stay Connected With Your Audience

Keep your readers engaged with fresh content

Position your business as an expert in the industry and drive traffic to the website

Blogs are a simple, yet invaluable tool for ranking organically in search engines. Blogging is a very powerful lead-generating method. Pairing content creation and search engine optimization (SEO), the designIQ team creates blogs that will soon play a vital role in your business’ overall marketing strategy.

The copywriters at designIQ have ample experience creating copy that focuses on a topic of the client’s choice. We take this topic and expand upon it, incorporating personable language and various relevant keywords to increase index results in search engines using best SEO practices.

We understand that you desire a blog campaign that embodies your business as a whole, giving leads and customers a good idea of what you’re actually like and what you can offer. This isn’t a problem, as we are professionals at creating copy tailored to our client’s unique needs and highly-specific qualities.

Blogging is a simple yet effective way to get your brand discovered via social media. Every time designIQ creates a blog post for your business, that’s content you and other people can easily share across the plethora of social media channels. Rather than scrambling to fill your social media with new posts day-by-day, you can instead promote your blog and business with links to your recent and relevant posts.

DesignIQ can create high-quality content for your blog so you can engage leads and start driving traffic to your blog instantaneously. The more viral traffic your business’ blog posts receive, the more opportunity you have to grow your audience and gain exponential market growth.