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Digital Display


DesignIQ offers two types of standard static digital ads: true static ads, which come in an image file format, and responsive static ads, which come with tags and a TXT file format. Static ads deliver your message quickly without convoluting your branding or campaign efforts and tend to work best when consumers are already familiar with your identity.

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Digital Display

DesignIQ offers animated ads which combines images and text with rotating frames to display a moving advertisement to engage the audience. Animated ads not only help simplify complex advertising messages into an easy-to-digest format, but designIQ’s well-designed ads will be displayed in a clever way someone will be more likely remember or share long after they’ve left a website.

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Digital Display

Rich Media

DesignIQ offers rich media ads that allow the audience to interact and engage with the content using advanced features like video, audio, or other elements. Rich media opens a world of possibilities for your branding and advertising. Our talented designers will be able to set your advertisements apart from the flood of others constantly fighting for attention.

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Digital Display

DesignIQ offers quick ads as a set of pre-designed templated creatives to streamline the digital ad building process. By selecting from a pre-designed creative template, everyone involved in the creative process knows exactly what to expect. No more back-and-forth with clients, sales and alike to achieve the end creative goal.

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