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Digital Display Ads
Digital Display Ads

Find the Perfect Solution For Your Digital Strategy

Innovative digital display advertising solutions

Understand the differences in advertisements for the digital landscape

Static ads combine direct messaging with a clear call-to-action

When you have a simple advertising message you’re trying to convey, sometimes it’s best to be straightforward. Static ads deliver your message quickly without convoluting your branding or campaign efforts. If your static ad features colorful, interesting images to entice someone to click-through for more information, your job is done. Static ads tend to work best when consumers are already familiar with your brand.

The most significant advantage static ads hold over animated ads is their lower time commitment. Once your static ad is created and published on multiple channels, it then waits for people to discover it. They don’t have to wait for additional content to appear because what they see is what they get with static ads, also allowing for an improved user experience.

DesignIQ offers two competitive options for standard static ads, neither of which includes animation, advanced tracking, or additional features. However, our responsive static ads support multiple click-throughs. True Static Ads (Image File Format) – Our true static ads come in an image file format. Our standard static ads support one click-through and are limited to strict file size restrictions. Responsive Static Ads (Tags/TXT File Format) – Our responsive static ads offer more flexibility and responsiveness because it’s built using HTML5, which allows for higher file size limits and higher-resolution images.

Attract even more attention by adding animation to your digital advertising

An animated ad combines images and text with rotating frames through animation. Animated ads convey details about a specific product or service in an attention-grabbing way to entice someone to click for more information. Animated ads help simplify complex advertising messages into an easy-to-digest format your audience will understand quickly.

Animated ads offer numerous advantages to any company wishing to diversify their digital advertising campaign with designIQ. You can be more creative with animated ads, and the more creative your ads are, the more likely it is you will stand out from your crowd of competitors. Animated ads that focus on prompting a strong message perform better than ads with a lot of flashy animation.

Our standard animated ads support up to three loops of the animation timeline with a 15-second maximum (five seconds per loop) for one play-through, with the option for a replay button as well. However, we can also support more loops or a longer timeline to fit our clients needs. All designIQ standard animated ads are delivered as tags (TXT files) because the file contains a link to the creative stored on our server.

Pre-roll ads are promotional videos that air before user-selected content and can be found on many mainstream websites, including YouTube. Pre-roll ads can have several minor adjustments made to them. While ordering pre-roll ads from designIQ, you can choose the following customization options to make them stand out:

  • Adding a title card
  • Video optimization
  • Minor video editing
  • Adding static content
  • Trimming the timeframe (:30 max)

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Utilize “Quick” pre-built options for effective, streamlined creative solutions

For an even more streamlined digital experience, we offer the aptly-named ad format – Quick. This allows you and your clients to get accurate and eye-catching advertisements without a back-and-forth discussion. Quick ads are as their name implies; they’re quick. These pre-designed creatives were built following our proven guidelines for high-performance. They allow you to execute a campaign quickly and efficiently.

These template-based ads are designed to streamline the creative process without sacrificing artistic integrity. By selecting from a pre-designed creative template, everyone involved in the creative process knows exactly what to expect. No more back-and-forth with clients, representatives, designers, and supervisors to achieve the end goal. While the ad placement only requires five sizes, the six deliverables allow you to choose your preferred options to maximize results.

The Quick ad template is perfect for streamlining the advertising process on both sides, but it doesn’t mean we sacrifice artistic integrity and design. You will still have a professional graphic artist working on your ad, making sure every aspect is perfect to avoid future corrections or reworks.

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These are examples of how your ad will turn out with images, logos, and copy. Pay attention to the animation. This is the main method of choosing your template, as it will not change. Take a bit of time to select your template, in order to keep the process concise; some elements cannot be changed.