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Email Marketing

Building & Maintaining Your Brand With Email Marketing

The benefits of email marketing campaigns

DesignIQ analyzes how email marketing helps promote your brand

Whether you need us to build you an effective email marketing campaign from the ground up or you want us to add to your campaign later, our team would love to help. Email marketing messages, or e-blasts as they’re commonly called, are carefully crafted and targeted email messages sent to a large group of people at once. When implemented correctly, email blasts are among the digital advertising channels delivering the highest measurable return on investment (ROI).

Our email marketing are created to work across a variety of mobile and desktop devices, so you don’t miss any valuable customers due to formatting issues. Our designers check their compatibility across multiple email programs, including both Outlook and Gmail. We avoid spammy, off-putting language at all costs and strive to make our e-blasts as attractive and straightforward as possible. Our goal is to use alluring subject lines and brief, targeted copy to make your email stand out in your customers’ cluttered inboxes. Our email marketing include all the following features to help you promote your unique message effectively while measuring the success of your email marketing campaign:

  • Social Media Buttons
  • Multiple Click-Throughs
  • Click-to-Call
  • Small GIFs

Our experience with designing responsive, high-impact advertising campaigns lends itself well to email marketing. Wherever your advertising needs lie, our analytics prove high response rates and instant convert sales for our customers. Contact us today to learn more about the many advantages of partnering with designIQ for innovative email marketing campaigns that get you and your brand noticed by targeted consumers in your local area.