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Motion Graphics

Captivate Your Audience

Discover new and exciting ways to deliver your message

Tell your story with graphic design, text, and animation

Motion graphics use text as a major component of the animation to help deliver your message in a captivating way. Basically, you are using animated graphic designs to spread the word about your business to potential clients or customers. DesignIQ’s team works with you to blend sound, text, graphic design, and motion in an innovative and eye-catching way to push your message further.

When you are looking for a modern way to tell your classic story, consider using motion graphics. No matter how abstract the message, motion graphics help create a way for all to enjoy and take part in it..

motion graphics

Motion graphics can also be used to help boost the effectiveness of other styles, videos, and marketing tools. Combinations of live-action, character animations, and more expand your ability to create a unique and entertaining message. Every element/component works together to exemplify each other’s strengths and make up the difference when one style might be ineffective or weak.

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We can either use images you provide or help create some to emphasize your goals, products, message, intents, and more. We can also help with your company’s existing content by editing it to be more visually appealing. Once our professionals complete your motion graphic, we deliver it as an .MP4, .MOV, and other video file formats. You will be able to use your motion graphics on electronic billboards, social media sites, presentations, and more. Breathe new life into your marketing by adding motion graphics.