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Better Presentations. Better Results.

Closing the sale with professional, custom branded presentation templates

Empower your advertising using PowerPoint presentations

With an authentic and focused PowerPoint presentation, you can enhance your marketing efforts by posting it on social media or including it as a downloadable file on your company website. They work well as digital collateral via email marketing, which puts your company presentation directly in the hands of current and potential customers.

PowerPoints are very accessible to viewers through the variety of formats available. These advertisements are exportable to create videos, images, and other types of files for versatile use. The extensive amount of information and design features we can integrate into your PowerPoint presentation is customizable to your company’s needs.

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The team at designIQ can produce your presentation using a pre-supplied template, or we can build it from scratch using your branding guidelines. You can present sales numbers, pricing, and other important information in text, graphs, and tables to make it easily digestible to viewers. Add color and life to your PowerPoint presentation by integrating images, logos, and animated graphics, and narrate each page with a voice-over feature. By embedding links in your slides, you can direct viewers to online resources and documents.

The convenience, versatility in design, and ease of file conversion and distribution make PowerPoint presentations an excellent document to share on all your company’s media resources. Whether you maintain your presentation in its PowerPoint format or convert it to video or image files, your message and information are easily distributable and immediately accessible on various digital platforms.