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Sponsored Content

Expand Your Visibility With Tailored Commentary

Experience the narrative power of storytelling

Our sponsored content is a flexible and adaptable new method for getting the most for your clients. We write this content specifically tailored to individual clients that reads with a genuine voice. There are two different types of Sponsored Content articles you can select from to better serve your client and audience, Standard and Custom.

Standard Article: A research-based approach to copywriting

The Standard Article is our most popular option for quickly distributing a story to the right audience. This 500-750-word article includes headlines, sub-headlines, a logo, byline, one primary photo, and up to two supporting pictures. We craft this article for your client using a “newsgathering” approach via personal research. As we research and develop your story, we’ll consider everything that you want to include. You’ll have your article sent back to you with pinpoint accuracy, authenticity, and a great voice that matches the client’s brand. We’ll use our vast library of available stock photos to match the article and your branding as well to drive home your messaging. This, in tandem with our enticing writing style, will excitingly sell client business without being invasive.

Custom Article: A deeper-dive into your content

Custom Articles show the full force of what our copywriting team can do. In this 750-1,000-word article, we take a bit more time to weave your customer’s story into a research-based narrative that will sell their brand and product. Your client gets all the benefits of the Standard Article but with a few extra features. To fill the added word count space, the Custom Article comes with one-on-one interviews from the copywriting team. They will conduct these interviews to get a personalized take on the client’s motive, brand, voice, and more. This expert information comes straight from the mouths of the clients, connecting them for a personal touch. The Custom Article is the perfect way to establish all of these pillars in a snappy and effective medium.